Class DynamoDB

A wrapper for AWS DynamoDB.



client: DynamoDBDocument
logger: LambdaLogger = ...


  • Returns an IUNID: IDEA's Unique Nano IDentifier, which is an id unique through an AWS region inside an account. Note: no need of an auth check for external uses: the permissions depend from the context in which it's executed.


    • project: string

      project code

    Returns Promise<string>

    the IUNID

  • Parameters

    • project: string
    • attempt: number
    • maxAttempts: number

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Delete an array of items from a DynamoDB table, avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's BatchWriteItem. In case of errors, it will retry with a random back-off mechanism until the timeout. Therefore, in case of timeout, there may be some elements deleted and some not.


    • table: string

      the target DynamoDB table

    • keys: Record<string, any>[]

      the keys to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Get group of items based on their keys from DynamoDB table, avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's BatchGetItem.


    • table: string

      the target DynamoDB table

    • keys: Record<string, any>[]

      the keys of the objects to retrieve

    • OptionalignoreErr: boolean

      if set, ignore the errors and continue the bulk op.

    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • Parameters

    • table: string
    • keys: Record<string, any>[]
    • resultElements: Record<string, any>[]
    • ignoreErr: boolean
    • currentChunk: number = 0
    • chunkSize: number = 100

    Returns Promise<Record<string, any>[]>

  • Put an array of items in a DynamoDB table, avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's BatchWriteItem. In case of errors, it will retry with a random back-off mechanism until the timeout. Therefore, in case of timeout, there may be some elements written and some not.


    • table: string

      the target DynamoDB table

    • items: Record<string, any>[]

      the objects to insert

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • table: string
    • params: BatchWriteCommandInput

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • table: string
    • itemsOrKeys: Record<string, any>[]
    • isPut: boolean
    • currentChunk: number = 0
    • chunkSize: number = 25

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Delete an item of a DynamoDB table.


    • params: DeleteCommandInput

      the params to apply to DynamoDB's function

    Returns Promise<DeleteCommandOutput>

  • Get an item of a DynamoDB table.


    • params: GetCommandInput

      the params to apply to DynamoDB's function

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Manage atomic counters (atomic autoincrement values) in IDEA's projects. They key of an atomic counter should be composed as the following: DynamoDBTableName_uniqueKey.


    • key: string

      the key of the counter

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Put an item in a DynamoDB table.


    • params: PutCommandInput

      the params to apply to DynamoDB's function

    Returns Promise<PutCommandOutput>

  • Query a DynamoDB table, avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's Query.


    • params: QueryCommandInput

      the params to apply to DynamoDB's function

    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • Query a DynamoDB table in the traditional way (no pagination or data mapping).


    • params: QueryCommandInput

      the params to apply to DynamoDB's function

    Returns Promise<QueryCommandOutput>

  • Parameters

    • params: QueryCommandInput | ScanCommandInput
    • items: Record<string, any>[]
    • isQuery: boolean

    Returns Promise<Record<string, any>[]>

  • Scan a DynamoDB table, avoiding the limits of DynamoDB's Query.


    • params: ScanCommandInput

      the params to apply to DynamoDB's function

    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • Scan a DynamoDB table in the traditional way (no pagination or data mapping).


    • params: ScanCommandInput

      the params to apply to DynamoDB's function

    Returns Promise<ScanCommandOutput>

  • Execute a series of write operations in a single transaction.


    • ops: {
          ConditionCheck?: any;
          Delete?: any;
          Put?: any;
          Update?: any;

      the operations to execute in the transaction

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Convert a JSON object from DynamoDB format to simple JSON.


    • data: Record<string, any>

      the data in DynamoDB's original format to convert in plain objects

    • Optionaloptions: unmarshallOptions

      the options to use to convert the data

    Returns Record<string, any>

  • Update an item of a DynamoDB table.


    • params: UpdateCommandInput

      the params to apply to DynamoDB's function

    Returns Promise<UpdateCommandOutput>