Interface TemplatedEmailData

The data to send a templated email. Note: templated email don't support attachments by now.

interface TemplatedEmailData {
    bccAddresses?: string[];
    ccAddresses?: string[];
    configurationSet?: string;
    replyToAddresses?: string[];
    template: string;
    templateData: {
        [variable: string]: any;
    toAddresses: string[];

Hierarchy (view full)


bccAddresses?: string[]

Array of BCC email addresses.

ccAddresses?: string[]

Array of CC email addresses.

configurationSet?: string

The name of the configuration set to use for the sending.

replyToAddresses?: string[]

Array of Reply-To email addresses.

template: string

The template to use for sending the email. To reference variables, use placeholders such as {{myVar}}.

templateData: {
    [variable: string]: any;

An object containing key-value pairs of variable-content to substitute. It supports handlebars.js templating.

toAddresses: string[]

Array of TO email addresses.