Class APIRequestLog

The log of an API request, in IDEA's format.

Table: idea_logs.


  • logId-timestamp-index (all).

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Object initialization, setting all the default values.


    • OptionalnewData: any

      the data to load, optional

    • Optionaloptions: any

      custom options to apply; they will depend on the child resource

      Usually, there is no need to implement the constructor; implicitly, it will call the load of the child resource and therefore loading all the resources with default values. If needed, this is the suggested implementation:

      // ...

    Returns APIRequestLog


action?: string

Action detail; valid (mostly) for PATCH requests.

description?: string

For complex logs, it contains extra information.

expiresAt: number

TTL of the record (in seconds); it's usually a month after the insertion.

logId: string

The id to identify the log stream; usually, it's the concatenation of the project key with the teamId.

method: string

Enum: HTTP method (POST, GET, etc.).

path: string

The determinated path for the resource; e.g. /orders or /orders/12345/items.

resource: string

The resource involved in the log; e.g. /orders or /orders/{orderId}/items.

resourceId: string

The identifier of a specific element of the resource (proxy).

sort: string

The concatenation of the timestamp with the userId, to support scenarios of concurrency.

succeeded: boolean

If true, the request ended successfully.

timestamp: number

Timestamp in which the log was captured.

userId: string

Id of the user linked to the log.


  • Return an attribute in a cleaned standard that force-cast the element.


    • origin: any

      the origin attribute, to cast

    • castFunction: ((x: any) => any)

      the cast function, e.g. Boolean, Number, String, x => new CustomClass(x), etc.

        • (x): any
        • Parameters

          • x: any

          Returns any

    • OptionaldefaultVal: any

      if set, the fallback value instead of null

    Returns any

    cleaned attribute

  • Return an array in a cleaned standard that force-cast each element, keeping only the valid ones.


    • origin: any[]

      the origin array, to cast and check

    • castFunction: ((x: any) => any)

      the cast function, e.g. x => String(x) or x => new CustomClass(x)

        • (x): any
        • Parameters

          • x: any

          Returns any

    • OptionaldefaultVal: any

      if set, the fallback value instead of null

    Returns any[]

    cleaned array

  • Load the attributes from an already existing resource and then force some attributes to assume safeData values. The function is usually used in the back-end to mix together db data with new data, without the risk of changing ids and other attributes which are managed in appositely curated scenario.


    • newData: any

      the data to load

    • safeData: any

      the attributes to force to specific values

    • Optionaloptions: any

      custom options to apply; they will depend on the child resource

      Typical implementation:

      super.safeLoad(newData, safeData);
      this.keyAttr = safeData.keyAttr;
      this.importantAttr = safeData.importantAttr;
      this.isDraft = safeData.isDraft;
      // ...

      Note well: there is no need to call this.load(), since it's implicitly called from super.safeLoad(), which will anyway use the child version of the method.

    Returns void

  • Valide the object's attributes, performing all the checkings.


    • Optionaloptions: any

      custom options to apply; they will depend on the implementations

    Returns string[]

    errors if empty, the checkings are successfully passed.

    Typical implementation:

    const e = super.validate();
    if(this.iE(this.attr)) e.push(`attr`);
    // ...
    return e;